Culverins in Skull and Bones: A Call for Damage Enhancement

Are Culverins in Skull and Bones in need of a damage buff? This question has been echoing among players, sparking discussions about the effectiveness of these weapons in combat scenarios. While some argue that Culverins lack the necessary punch, others question their viability in both PvE and PvP encounters.

The prevalent sentiment among players is that Culverins fall short in terms of damage output. Despite their ability to fire multiple shots and target weak points on enemy ships, many find themselves expending numerous repair kits during skirmishes compared to other weapon types. This disparity in damage becomes even more pronounced in PvP engagements, where Culverins struggle to hold their ground. Even the introduction of newer Culverin variants, such as the ones specialized for flooding damage, fails to make them a compelling choice without significant investment in ship loadouts.

The alternative options, like Basilisks for crew attacks or tearing Culverins, seem underutilized and lack widespread adoption among players. This further underscores the need for a reevaluation of Culverins’ effectiveness in the game’s current meta.

Proposals for enhancing Culverins often center around buffing their damage output to align them with end-game weaponry. By elevating Culverins to a competitive level, they could potentially serve as a viable mid-range weapon choice for players seeking versatility in their loadouts. However, opinions vary among players, with some advocating for a significant buff while others remain content with the status quo.

Criticism also extends to the mechanics of cannons in general, with players highlighting issues such as their tendency to overshoot enemy ships, especially in certain ranges or turbulent waters. Aiming low to compensate for this often proves futile, particularly in choppy seas where waves obstruct lowering the guns adequately. Additionally, the pseudo-recoil feature of cannons has drawn ire from players, deeming it unnecessary for discrete weapons and hindering accuracy, particularly at longer distances.

Moreover, cannons consume ammunition at a faster rate compared to other weapon types, adding another layer of inconvenience for players. This, combined with their inherent limitations and lower damage output, further diminishes their appeal in combat scenarios.

Given these challenges, any potential buff to Culverins would need to address not only their damage output but also their elemental effects and overall utility. The importance of reliable damage cannot be understated, especially in a game where missed shots equate to lost opportunities for DPS. With the looming introduction of fire bombards IV, the relevance of cannons in the game’s meta hangs in the balance, making it imperative for developers to address these concerns promptly.

Ultimately, the dominance of bombards in the current meta, coupled with the niche utility of long nines in PvP, underscores the need for a comprehensive reassessment of weapon balance in Skull and Bones. Only through thoughtful adjustments and enhancements can Culverins and other underutilized weapons find their rightful place in the game’s diverse arsenal, ensuring a more dynamic and engaging gameplay experience for all players. Now you can shop for the Skull and Bones Items you need from to get strong quickly and ride the seas.