10 Essential Tips for New Players Entering Last Epoch’s 1.0 Full Release

As the eagerly anticipated launch of Last Epoch’s 1.0 version approaches, excitement is building among gamers of all ages and backgrounds. With the promise of a substantial content update introducing two new masteries and a surge of fresh players entering the fray, it’s an opportune moment to prepare for the adventures that await. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer stepping into the world of Last Epoch for the first time, understanding these ten crucial tips will undoubtedly enhance your gameplay experience.

  1. Know the Launch Time:

The release date for Last Epoch’s 1.0 version is eagerly awaited by fans. However, it’s essential to know the specific launch time to avoid any confusion. The game is set to launch on February 21st, with servers going down before the release. The launch time is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time, noon Eastern, 5:00 p.m. UK, and 6:00 p.m. Central Europe.

  1. Choose Your Mastery Wisely:

Upon progressing through the game, players will be asked to select a Mastery for their base class, each offering unique playstyles and abilities. It’s crucial to understand that this choice is permanent for that character. Take your Last Epoch gold and time to consider the options carefully before committing, as there’s no turning back once the decision is made.

  1. Embrace Build Flexibility:

While your Mastery choice is permanent, Last Epoch offers significant flexibility in terms of skill and passive resets. Experiment with different builds and playstyles to find what suits you best. Just remember that re-specializing skills too frequently can hinder their progression, so choose wisely.

  1. Utilize the In-Game Guide:

Pressing ‘G’ in Last Epoch opens a comprehensive in-game guide, providing valuable information on game mechanics, terminology, and more. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, this tool is invaluable for understanding the intricacies of the game.

  1. Harness the Power of Loot Filters:

Last Epoch boasts an impressive loot filter system, allowing players to customize what items they see based on their preferences. Whether it’s filtering by rarity, affixes, or item type, this feature ensures you focus on what matters most to your gameplay experience.

  1. Expansive Stash Management:

With up to 200 stash pages available, players won’t encounter the common issue of storage limitations in Last Epoch. Organize your stash effectively to streamline item management and optimize your gameplay efficiency.

  1. Start Salvaging Early:

Salvaging equipment early on is crucial for obtaining crafting shards necessary for enhancing gear. Invest in Runes of Shattering to dismantle items and accumulate crafting materials from the onset of your journey.

  1. Master the Art of Crafting:

Last Epoch’s crafting system allows players to augment and customize gear with desired affixes. Understanding forge potential and managing crafting shards efficiently will empower you to create powerful equipment tailored to your playstyle.

  1. Craft Your Uniques:

Unleash your creativity by crafting unique items using Runes of Ascendance. These items offer distinct gameplay mechanics and can be tailored to suit your character’s needs. Keep an eye out for items with legendary potential for even greater enhancements.

  1. Explore Faction Dynamics:

With the introduction of factions in Last Epoch’s 1.0 release, players must choose between Circle of Fortune and the Merchant’s Guild. Consider the benefits of each faction carefully, as your choice will impact your gameplay experience significantly.


As Last Epoch’s 1.0 release draws near, arming yourself with these essential tips will undoubtedly pave the way for a rewarding and immersive gaming experience. Whether you’re embarking on your first journey through the game or returning for more adventures, embracing these strategies will enhance your enjoyment and mastery of the game’s mechanics.

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